SNP Genotyping with the AGENA MassARRAY System
The Agena Bioscience Mass Array instrument is a great option when genotyping multiple SNPs for a large number of samples
In addition to Real Time PCR methods, AZClinCore offers SNP genotyping on the Agena Bioscience MassARRAY® MALDI-TOF instrument. Using this technology we can multiplex SNPs for up to 36 loci.

SNP Genotyping - MassARRAY
General Information
Sample Input
Each reaction requires 1µL of 10ng/µL DNA.
The DNA can be submitted in 96-well or 384-well plates with at least 2 open wells for negative controls
Expected Results
Genotypes are determined through ratio analysis of the MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer.
Sample Preparation Details
- The DNA samples should be eluted in RNase free or HPLC water. The instrument is very sensitive to salt, so please avoid TE buffer.
- AZClinCore can extract and prepare your samples for SNP genotyping:
- AZClinCore offers a variety of extraction services for most sample types, please inquire for details and pricing.
- AZClinCore operates both 96- or 384-well instruments.
- The DNA can be submitted in 96-well or 384-well plates with at least 2 open wells per every 384 for negative controls.
- Each reaction requires 1µL of 10ng/µL DNA. It is best if 260/280 ratio is between 1.7 and 2.0.
Contact AZClinCore to discuss SNPs of interest and multiplex design.
Multiplex Design Information: This instrument can perform up to a 36-plex, but we typically achieve between 25 and 30 loci. To optimize the largest multiplex possible, it is best to provide 40-50 loci with specific notes about their relative importance. Provide the SNP ID (rs#) and the sequence. Within the sequence the SNP should be denoted in brackets (i.e. [G/A]), with 100-200 bases of flanking sequence on either side. Tri-allelic SNPs are also detectable. Multiplex PCR assays target ~100bp amplicons containing SNPs of interest.
If there are other known polymorphisms within the sequence please denote them as 'X' so we can design the primers around them. There cannot be polymorphisms bracketing the SNP of interest within 20bp; however, if there is a polymorphism upstream of the SNP of interest, we can design the primer on the antisense strand.
Three primers are utilized per SNP, two for amplification and one for the extension reaction. Primers are unlabeled and usually 15-25 bp in length.
Agena MassARRAY Genotyping 96-well chip*
Academic (UA): $1,755.00| Academic (non-UA): $2,106.00| Industry: $2,632.50
Agena MassARRAY Genotyping 384-well chip*+
Academic (UA): $3,015.00| Academic (non-UA): $3,618.00| Industry: $4,522.50
*Starting with diluted sample plate
++Cost beginning for 192 samples; additional labor charges and consumable charges may occur for >192 samples
Turnaround Time
Depends on assay type; please inquire.
Additional Information
- The prices listed above is per 96-well or 384-well plate. If multiplexed at 30 SNPs cost ~ $0.20 per SNP
- Primers are not included in the above pricing. These typically run ~$18/SNP.
- For more information about the Agena Bioscience MassARRAY® system, please visit go to
Call Center (520) 626-5002 Fax (520) 626-7701 | Contact Us - online form | Arizona Molecular Clinical Core 1657 E Helen St. Tucson, AZ 85721 |

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